How to buy property with as little as $15K with Investn
Promoted by Investn Group
Buyers no longer need a 10 to 20 per cent deposit to get a jumpstart on the property ladder, thanks to a brand-new direct property investment model.

Investn aims to help first-time property purchasers break into the property market and investors to rapidly create a property portfolio.
Instead of coughing up a deposit of at least 10 percent of the property purchase price, the model sees would-be buyers only cover stamp duty and legal costs of the purchase, while Investn supplies the 10 percent deposit.
Founder and CEO Scott Fraser has spent 20 years in financial services, and says he has seen “many people that can afford a mortgage and tick all the boxes with a lender to have a mortgage approved, but are ineligible due to lack of savings”.
With property prices skyrocketing over the last 12 months alone, Scott says it’s an obstacle to home ownership that’s becoming more and more difficult to overcome.
“You typically need twice the deposit that you required ten years ago,” he concedes.
While 10 percent of $600k meant a $60k deposit ten years ago, that same property now having doubled in value ($1200k x 10 per cent) would now require $120k in savings for the same property.
“Time is your biggest enemy,” he cautions.
“If you are not in the property market, the market will easily outpace the rate at which you can save money.”
But under the innovative Investn model, purchasers usually only need between $15,000 and $17,500 in their bank account to make a property purchase.
This is to cover any costs for the property – such as stamp duty and legal costs.
Scott calls it the fractional property concept on steroids: “We supply the 10 percent deposit and take an equity interest in the property.”
“Your return on capital invested ($15K) can be as high as 2900 per cent when the property doubles in value, which is four times higher than if you saved the 10 percent deposit yourself.”
Once buyers get a mortgage pre-assessed, Investn then sets its research and acquisitions team to work, sourcing suitable house and land packages in growth locations across Australia via its National network of property contacts.
The right property, Scott says, is one “that helps protect both cash flow and your current lifestyle, with the right balance between yield and capital growth potential. All while being mindful of trying to protect your future borrowing capacity to be able to build your portfolio.”
Investn has “refined a way where the overall costs to get in are lower without lender mortgage insurance needing to be paid as an upfront lump sum & stamp duty is only payable on the land value”.
The CEO said many people think the offer sounds too good to be true, but once people have a free initial meeting it all makes sense to them.
Despite being new, the investment model is already seeing huge investor demand.
“With the limited supply of land being at present with the market being so hot and after the government's home builder incentive, new land estates are limiting the amount of investors, we have had to limit our growth to only 20 new clients per month.”
For more information call 1300 446 445 or head to