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Smart Property Investment is the premier source of news, intelligence and information for property investors and home buyers.
Smart Property Investment provides Australian property investors with must-have insight, strategies and real-life experiences to help guide successful buying and selling decisions in the Australian property market.
Whether you’re at the beginning of your investment journey or have an established property portfolio, Smart Property Investment helps you build, grow and manage your property purchases. We equip investors with essential insight to new hot spots, suburb performance, tried and tested investment strategies, and tax and legal updates.
Most importantly, Smart Property Investment is by investors, for investors. We have our own property portfolio and team of investment advisers, and have an intimate understanding of what property investors really need to know to be successful in the Australian market. Our team regularly shares its own wins and challenges, as do our range of expert commentators.
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Liam Garman is the managing editor of professional services, real estate and security at Momentum Media. He began his career as a speech writer at New South Wales Parliament before working for world leading campaigns and research agencies in Sydney and Auckland. Throughout his career, Liam has managed and executed international media campaigns spanning politics, business, industrial relations and infrastructure. He’s since shifted his attention to writing on politics and business, and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Sydney and a Masters from UNSW Canberra with a thesis on postmodernism and media ecology.

Sebastian Holloman is a graduate journalist for Momentum Media’s real estate brands. He holds a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Journalism from the University of Technology Sydney and is dedicated to delivering clear and concise information on the real estate sector.
About Momentum Media
Momentum Media (www.momentummedia.com.au) has been equipping Australia’s corporate, investor and business sectors with market and business intelligence for over a decade.
Across an integrated business supported by digital, events, live streaming, broadcast, content-on-demand, research, print and social platforms, we are guided by a fundamental principal: Be better informed.
Better informed readers, listeners, viewers, event participants, advertisers, sponsors and commercial partners, government and policy decisionmakers.
This mission for informing, educating and inspiring drives us to build more engaged communities, delivering greater leadership to the markets we connect with and forging closer relationships with our audiences.
Being at the forefront of media innovation, backed by a pioneering spirit, has been central to Momentum Media’s growth.
We’re an evolving, forward-thinking business based on a purpose that supports corporate Australia and the markets critical to our nation’s economic prosperity. We’re also focused on delivering exceptional value to our commercial partners.
We continually adapt to rapidly changing marketplaces; we’re a fluid media business, unshackled to any particular technology, channel or tone of communication.
With a monthly reach spanning over a million professionals, high-net-worth individuals and business owners, we’re connected to the rapidly changing preferences and attitudes of our communities – and we’re making a positive contribution for them to thrive.