Most detailed economic strategy launched
The most “detailed and modern” economic strategy has been launched in one state to modernise and grow opportunities, according to the minister for economic development.

David O’Byrne launched the strategy, Southern Regional Economic Development Plan, for the South of Tasmania, yesterday to build onto last year’s Economic Development Plan.
"We must not stand still. The Tasmanian economy must be modernised and diversified – not a 'one trick pony' at the mercy of volatile world markets," Mr O'Byrne said.
"Tasmanians want and expect a modern and diverse economy, providing new jobs and opportunities.
"Our detailed strategies are about playing to each region's natural strengths, and giving us that modern, diverse economy," he said.
"In developing each regional plan, we've talked directly to Tasmanians living, working, studying and investing in each region," Mr O'Byrne said.
"We know regional communities are under pressure because they're in a major economic transition.
"It highlights and prioritises the regional industries which are best-placed for more growth.
"And it's an attractive and compelling document for interstate and overseas businesses to invest in Tasmania's strengths," he said.
Current key drivers of the economy in the South include tourism, aquaculture, viticulture, agriculture and the Antarctic and Southern ocean expertise.