How to earn more money from your investment property without raising the rent
Helen Collier-Kogtevs, director, Real Wealth Australia

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When it comes to creating positive cash flow, well you know what? A great strategy is student accommodation. Now I don't mean specifically built, tailor made student accommodation, I'm talking about a house near a university where you can rent out each room to students specifically. So four bedrooms, four students, four lots of rent. But here's the exciting part. What you could do is actually add a vending machine into that property. Obviously you'd provide internet because students need it for their studies but that vending machine? Well I now investors that make more money out of that vending machine than they do the rent because what don't students like doing? Cooking. So if you're looking for some smart and out of the box ways to to create cash flow, have a look at houses around universities where you can put students in, put in some broadband or some internet, maybe throw in a cleaner to make sure that your property is well maintained and a vending machine and watch the cash flow.