'Our DHA properties are the pinnacle of our financial independence.'
Promoted by DHA
Rhonda and David are long time investors with Defence Housing Australia (DHA).

They’ve been happily married for nearly 30 years and they live in beautiful Ballina NSW. ‘I’ve lived up on the North Coast for the last 14 years’, says Rhonda. ‘David and I work in the horticultural industry. We have an export palm nursery. We love the industry because it’s outdoors and environmentally friendly.’
‘We started out with DHA about 23 years ago when we paid off our first house. We wanted to get an investment’, says Rhonda.
They initially built a property to DHA specifications and leased that to DHA. Once that property’s lease ended, they bought a mid-lease DHA property. Rhonda and David’s strategy with DHA is this: once the lease expires they sell the property and buy another DHA property. This is because they don’t want the hassle of renting the property out privately or through another property manager—they want to stay with DHA management and their tenants.
And it’s certainly worked for them. ‘We’ve had four DHA properties, two in Nowra and two in Brisbane. It was the pinnacle of how we got our financial independence’, explains Rhonda.
David and Rhonda’s experience with DHA has been extremely positive. They love the ‘set and forget’ nature of a DHA investment, the guaranteed rent and the fact that DHA takes care of maintenance.
‘We love the fact that with DHA it didn’t matter whether the house was occupied or not, you always get your rent’, says Rhonda.
They have never inspected their current property. They feel that DHA really takes care of it and they trust DHA’s judgment.
Rhonda could not emphasise enough how effortless the whole DHA experience has been, and at the end of the lease, they have a property they can sell.
In comparison, their private property investment has had ongoing troubles, with finding new tenants and losing money during the tenant turn-around process. The returns have not been worth it.
They are looking for another DHA property and are considering selling their private investment and replacing it with DHA.
DHA has helped them achieve financial stability, allowing them to grow their business, travel around the world and enjoy life. Because they’ve always had property and an investment strategy, this way of thinking has rubbed off on their children.
‘If anybody asked me whether they should buy a DHA house I would say absolutely. Without DHA, we would not be living up here in Ballina overlooking the beautiful ocean.’
Learn more about investing with DHA.
Attention: All information contained in this article is for general information only and prospective investors should seek independent advice. Investment is subject to DHA’s lease terms and conditions of sale. Investors retain some responsibilities and risks, i.e. rent, restoration and market fluctuations. The opinions expressed in this testimonial reflect the experience of this investor as at 8 June 2016.