Investment tip: Are you with the right financial team?
Lachlan Williams has successfully built a four-property portfolio in less than a year—an incredible feat that he attributes to passion and discipline, education and mentorship, as well as the help of his reliable financial team.

His property investment journey started simply by overhearing a conversation of a couple of guys who are into the wealth-creation business.
He shared: “I've literally been kicked into this with the inspiration of a couple of guys. I heard them talking one day about their property and I said, ‘I've got to find out what's going on here.’ ”
“So, for the price of a couple of beers, they told me how it worked for them. I thought that makes sense,” the property investor added.
After hearing the stories of investors, he went on to seek advice from property professionals like accountants and mortgage brokers, who continued to guide him as proceeded to purchase assets. Throughout his journey, Lachlan made it a point to establish a logical and structured system for the management of his portfolio.
According to him: “I've poured my heart and soul into a spreadsheet to help me manage these properties. I think it's actually really useful.”
“But I also recognise that that spreadsheet would probably send anyone else who tried to use it somewhat insane because it's very complicated, but I don't think it's affected my investment strategy because my investment strategy is somewhat guided by other people,” he added.
However, despite the guidance of his financial team, he also takes time for self-education in order to make important decisions for himself as opposed to letting his team decide for him. Aside from talking to fellow investors and his mentors, he also learns from different resources such as websites, podcasts, and magazines.
Finding the right professionals
Smart Property Investment’s Phil Tarrant believes that Lachlan’s simple strategy is a healthy way to go through the business of creating wealth through property.
According to him, you need to be able to challenge the insights and recommendations of your financial team so you can discuss all possible options and arrive at the best conclusion based on the specific goals you want to achieve, as well as your capabilities and limitations as a property investor. These experts and professionals are only there to guide you through the processes and the ever-changing markets so you can keep your door open to more opportunities and make the most out of your investments.
Phil said: “A lot of people make the mistake of thinking ... ‘Yes, I'm going to pay the experts and I'm not going to take any responsibility in my decisions because they're going to make all the decisions.’ "
If a property professional says, “You don’t have to worry about it—just do exactly as I say”, you definitely have to worry about the way he will be handling your portfolio. A good and reliable member of a financial team will expect you to ask questions and actually challenge his suggestions.
According to Phil: “They want to be asked the questions why, how, who, when, where … What are we going to do with it? What's the long-term play? What's the upside play?"
“You can’t outsource responsibility,” he reiterated.
Lachlan agreed and said: “It's ultimately my money and my responsibility.”
Choosing the professionals to build your financial team with is as crucial as picking the properties that will be part of your portfolio. You’ve got to establish trust between yourselves and know that they only got your best interests at heart and that their advice is made soundly—free from prejudice, product preferences, or any ulterior motives.
Tune in to Lachlan Williams’ episode on The Smart Property Investment Show to know how he went from owning no properties at all to four in the timeframe of less than a year and the challenges he faced along the way.