Stop running from your Finances!
Promoted by Blue Ink Finance.
It’s easy to get stuck in the day to day cycle of bills, repayments, emergency spending, overdue accounts… sound familiar? So how do you flip your thinking on its head whereby instead of running from your finances you end up running towards your financial goals and freedom?

It is all too easy when you start drowning with financial stress to stick your head in the sand. Sometimes you may not even be aware that’s what is happening. When you get yourself in the situation where all your thoughts are overtaken by the next bill, next payment due, fees coming up… stopping to come up for air seems next to impossible
Take a step back, do take that deep breath, and write down your three biggest financial sources of stress. Getting back to the reality of the situation, so you know what you’re up against, will allow you to objectively look at your priorities. (Keeping the list short can help you feel less overwhelmed.)
When we find ourselves in a tough financial spot it is natural to see where you can reduce your expenditure and you tighten your belt to get through the rough patch. This can soon compound with further payments due, and before you know it you are either living on baked beans or living off borrowed money putting you further in debt.
Instead of seeing the tough financial spot as a once of, short term problem, look at it from a long-term view. This issue has arisen because of deeper problems with your financial structure.
Connect with a finance broker to review your debt and possibly consolidate at a lower interest rate and repayments. Finance Coaches like the team at Blue Ink Finance can also show you where your savings will cause the maximum wealth growth.
Do you put your savings on your mortgage, in an off-set account or do you pay out that store card?
We have all been in the situation where it just ends up in the “too hard basket”. Most of the time the only reason why it ends up there is because we just don’t know how to fix it. These seems to be no solution and the whole state of affairs just seems impossible.
This is where education comes in. You have probably heard the saying knowledge is power, and it’s no exception with your finances. The too hard basket is a very limited view, so flip your outlook to the bigger picture, your ultimate vision for your life and employ the experts that will help you to get there.
The team at Blue Ink Finance are the ‘big picture’ people and can offer personalised finance coach sessions that outline a 10-year plan to financial freedom. Having a Finance Coach on your side not only keeps you up to date on the progress you are making, they also provide that accountability to keep you on track to achieve your financial goals and freedom.
So by flipping your thinking on its head whereby instead of running from your finances you end up running towards your financial goals and freedom is a great start. When you couple that with educating yourself with what is possible with your personal finances and surrounding yourself with the experts in the field you can suddenly see that it IS POSSIBLE.
Connect with the Finance Coaches at Blue Ink Finance to create an actionable plan for your own finances and start to achieve your personal finance goals.
Then before taking any further action, you must first definitely book a Complimentary Finance Review with one of our experienced Finance Coaches.
At Blue Ink Finance, we are more than just a loan. A finance coach at Blue Ink Finance is like a personal trainer for your finances.
Ensuring that your budgets are in order, you are planning what to do with your finances, and that you can afford what you want… not just for the now but also the long-term success of ALL your goals.
About The Author
David Wegener
Blue Ink Finance
Who I am, and why I want to help you succeed. As an award-winning Mortgage Broker with nearly 20 years’ experience in the finance industry, I’ve seen it all. I’ve gone through constant industry changes and yet I still successfully help my customers borrow the money they need to get ahead. As a Finance Coach, my goal is to help you understand your financial potential so that you can borrow with confidence. |