"Never before seen" resources project announced, NT
The Northern Territory will capitalise on a new $180 million Iron Ore project that has recently been announced by chief minister Paul Henderson.

The project is estimated to provide a “never before seen” economic boost and employment injection to the NT and to WA, as the resources fall within land that borders the two areas, said Mr Henderson.
“We’ve made the decision to award Major Project status to this project to ensure all arms of Government are working together to capitalise on the huge economic benefits this project will bring," he said.
“This agreement will ensure the Roper Bar region benefits from the project and will include a local industry participation plan to ensure local businesses are engaged, a community benefits package, and secure open access to shared infrastructure.
“It’s is part of our Territory 2030 strategy to support the continued contribution of the resources sector to the Northern Territory economy.”
Communities that will benefit long-term include Borroloola, Minyerri, Ngukurr and Numbulwar, while the entire Roper Bar region will see growth.
The first stage of the project will bring 24 million tonnes of ore over eight years, and the Government and Western Desert Resources are currently working to finalise a Project Development Agreement.