Suburb plans opened up for comment
Investors in ten targeted suburbs will be able to have a say on issues of infrastructure, master plans and strategy for the areas over August.

Those is the New South Wales suburbs of Wollongong, Queanbeyan, Sydney, Newcastle, Armidale, Parramatta, Wagga Wagga, Dubbo, Coffs Harbour and Ballina are set to be able to give their input on the overhaul of the NSW planning system.
Focusing on the proposals in the Green Paper, including community involvement in planning, reducing red tape for development applications, ensuring infrastructure planning and encouraging accountability, communities in the ten suburbs are able to provide input on these topics.
“The purpose of the state’s planning system is to provide outcomes for communities – whether these are housing, environmental outcomes, employment or infrastructure,” said department director-general, Sam Haddad.
“We need to create a planning system which is far more inclusive and easier to use and understand, so it is crucial we get input from communities across the state.”
The Green Paper is the first time the government has identified its proposals for the planning system and is on exhibition until 14 September.
New legislation is expected in early 2013.