New housing information available
Housing information is now more available for buyers and tenants in one state following a newly launched website.

The Queensland state government yesterday launched the Homes and Housing section of the government website to help locate information more quickly.
"The information on the Homes and Housing website is grouped from the user's perspective making it easier for everyone to find what they're looking for," said minister for housing and public works, Bruce Flegg.
Searches that can now be easily undertaken include land title searches, electrical safety at home and even rental property searches.
"The site draws information from several government departments and includes information on building, buying, owning, renting or selling a home, emergency accommodation and homelessness,” said Mr Flegg.
Tax and finance rights, as well as landlord duties, are also outlined in the ‘For housing providers and investors’ section, and government incentive schemes are also explained.
Information for investors and home buyers looking to build property, renovate, learn about valuations and other parts of the buying process, and potential concessions available is also provided on the site.
"More than 120 members of the public from across Queensland took part in research to identify key housing information and services of interest to them," Mr Flegg explained of the process.
"The Department of Housing and Public Works will now manage the site to expand content and keep information up-to-date.”