Call for investor opinion on Tenancy Act
A review of the Tenancy Act is underway in one state, with a paper released asking for public comment.

The Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act 2008, in Queensland, is under review to ensure the legislation is working. This will allow investors to have their say on any current issues under the Act.
“The last review of tenancy law was in 2006-07, which introduced some significant changes and it is now appropriate to consider how effectively those changes have worked,” said housing and public works minister, Bruce Flegg.
The review has a focus on balancing the interests of both tenants and lessors.
“We want to hear the views of tenants, landlords, agents, park managers and rooming accommodation providers on important issues that affect them and whether the options in the discussion paper will address these issues.
“We need to ensure the Act is balanced and there are no legislative barriers to improved service delivery by the RTA,” he said.
Submissions will be closed on 2 January 2013, and can be made on the Residential Tenancies Authority website.