State of Markets - NSW December 2012
Essential information, plus expert insight on what is shaping the national property market...

New mine promises more jobs
A new mine has been mine planned for 17 kilometres southeast of Dunedoo, in New South Wales’ central west.
Construction of the mine is forecast to start in mid-2013, with a construction workforce of between 350 and 550 people.
Mine operations will then start in 2015, initially with 170 workers, 300 people from 2016 to 2017, and then growing to 570 workers after 2025.
The NSW government-owned body developing the mine, Cobbora Holding Company (CHC), has pointed to a 28km rail spur line and a 26km water pipeline as part of the necessary infrastructure underpinning the project.
In April, CHC chief executive officer, Steve Ireland, announced that they “will draw as many employees from the local region as possible, supporting them with on-the-job training, targeted external training, apprenticeships and cadetships”.
New development planned for Hunter Valley
A major new community, where more than 1,800 homes will be built, may be developed in the New South Wales’ Hunter Valley, according to a recent announcement.
LWP Property Group’s proposed ‘Huntlee’ project will include a town centre, 1,521 residential lots, of which some will be multi-dwelling, and associated infrastructure. During development, 23,000 workers will be required.
The 355 hectare project has already undergone revision, reducing the plans by 180 lots and 240 dwellings than initially proposed, with an increase in land for the town centre (to 57.5 hectares).
The project “will be a comfortable two-hour drive from Sydney city centre via the new Hunter Expressway and less than 45 minutes from Newcastle,” the master plan indicates.
Managing director of LWP, Danny Murphy, said that the community will be “addressing a shortage of housing, essential services, schools, major shopping centres and a need for local employment”.
The area will also facilitate a new primary school, as agreed upon with the NSW government.