Canberra to undergo transformation
Two major projects announced by the ACT government could potentially transform the city centre and drive future development in Canberra.

‘The City Plan’, announced by chief minister Katy Gallagher, will support the city’s growing population and make Canberra a more sustainable place to live in.
"The City Plan will provide a blueprint for future infrastructure development, land release and incentives for redevelopment right across the city,” Ms Gallagher said.
“It will guide our decision-making on what facilities and infrastructure are needed, where these should be located, and what should be the appropriate mix of land use."
The plan will also pave way for the further staging of the Capital Metro light rail project.
The ‘City to Lake’ project, which will expand the city towards the West Basin, was also unveiled. This project may include the development of a sports stadium, a new convention centre, cultural facilities, aquatic facility, and Parkes Way, a split-level boulevard.
Canberrans are encouraged to find out more about the projects online, and provide feedback over the coming months until mid-May.
Comments can also be made at ‘open house’ in Garema Place from 9-13 April.
"As the city grows to a population of 500,000 and beyond, we have to plan for key infrastructure, major recreation and cultural facilities in order to 'future proof' our city," Ms Gallagher concluded.