To furnish or not to furnish when selling?
When trying to make a sale, first impressions are vital. And great first impressions can create an emotional appeal that potential buyers may not be able to resist. Unfortunately visual appeal is unlikely to be generated by an unfurnished property, so in order to create a connection between the potential buyer and the property, you need to produce an uncluttered, yet warm and cosy space.

Blogger: Naomi Findlay, International Institute of Home Staging
The importance of furnishings
A house that is furnished helps buyers to see the potential lifestyle the property offers, rather than making them imagine it themselves. Without furniture, it is hard to showcase the full scale and stylistic potential of a room. Empty rooms can look small and uninviting, and imperfections are much more obvious as there is nothing else to focus on.
If presented thoughtfully, you can help the buyer to picture multiple functions for a room and help to deal with problems such as difficult colour schemes and awkward spaces. A beautifully presented home immediately suggests that the home has been well cared for and that each room can cater for different people, and provide many purposes.
Online appeal
A huge 90% of buyers are reverting to shopping online for properties, therefore it is important to provide a visual taste of what your property has to offer. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes, and think of what you’d want to see when looking for your next new home.
Buyer may pick out what they practically need e.g. three bedrooms, garage and two bathrooms, but if they aren’t able to visualise living in a space, you’ve missed an opportunity. Getting a sense of lifestyle and comfortable living might be the deciding factor in them making that inspection appointment.
Don’t look desperate!
An unfurnished house can give buyers the impression that behind the property is a desperate seller. This is a direct disadvantage for the seller, but a great advantage for the buyer. If a lack of furnishings causes buyers to think that the seller has already relocated, they will often conclude that they are desperate to sell and may submit a significantly lower offer than they otherwise would have.
Making a house a home to increase its value
Your property might boast a spacious layout and be in a sought after location, but achieving that wow factor is extremely difficult when it’s left open and bare.
From their first step inside, buyers want to feel they are in a home, rather than just another house. Furnish to play on and evoke emotions, because making a house a home for buyers can only improve your chances of receiving higher offers, quickly
About Naomi FindlayAbout Naomi Findlay, founder of IIHS and SILK Home Staging & Styling:
Naomi Findlay started her successful home staging business, SILK Home Staging & Styling, three years ago and is now also the founder of the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). IIHS combines her experience in running her own successful home staging business with her awarded expertise in tertiary education.
Naomi has received teaching awards from the University of Newcastle and the Australian College of Education and been nominated for a national award with the Australian Teaching and Learning Council. She is also the author of a bestselling book, Ignite Your Property Mojo, in addition to being a regular columnist for