Development boom in Melbourne's west
Tens of thousands new residents will move to Melbourne’s north west with the launch of a residential housing estate in the region.
The 711 hectare site in Rockbank North is expected to attract over 20,000 people, according to planning minister Matthew Guy, who launched the project last week.

The suburb, located 29 kilometres from the CBD, will include two town centres, childcare facilities, health services and a public library.
Educational facilities will also be constructed, including two pre-schools, three primary schools, a high school and a vocational training facility.
Over 190 hectares of the estate will be dedicated to parkland and green space, according to Mr Guy.
Rockbank North is part of the Victorian government’s push to create a growth corridor in Melbourne’s western suburbs.
The launch follows the announcement last month of a new township in the city's south west, near Wyndham Vale.
Works associated with the Rockbank project are expected to contribute $2.25 billion to the state eoconomy over the next 15 to 20 years.
Mr Guy said residents’ convenience and lifestyle were major considerations in planning the suburb.
“Projects like Rockbank North are about creating liveable communities and 20-minute neighbourhoods where residents have easy access to shops, schools, community services, parks and jobs,” Mr Guy said.