The unexpected roadblock stopping you from getting your next property
Helen Collier-Kogtevs, Director Real Wealth Australia

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Have the banks said no to lending you any more money? Have you hit the financial brick wall? Well you now what? A lot of investors come unstuck without actually realising it simply because of their credit cards and their credit card limits. The reality is for every $5000 you have no credit card limit potentially minimises your borrowing power by $25000. So if you've got a combined credit card limit of $20000, that's $100 000 in borrowing potential you're short changing yourself on. So if you want to invest, and you've hit that financial brick wall, take a look at your credit cards. Reduce those limits to their minimums - because I understand we need our credit cards - but reduce them to heir minimums and have them not stand in the way between you and your next investment property.