How to find the next hotspot before everyone else
Todd Polke, NSW head coach, Positive Real Estate

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First and foremost it's all about infrastructure. What you really want to understand is exactly what's going on in the area. What is going to drive continual growth in a certain location? You want to be asking questions like why do people actually want to live there, and why will people want to continue moving into this location and paying potentially higher prices? I also think it's really important to actually get out there and walk the beats and actually understand- get a feel for what's going on in the location. Because when you can walk down certain streets and get an absolute buzz for it, you can get a feeling that there's some movement in the market, there's a bit of culture in the market, there's a lot of activity going on. Those are they key things to focus on, get a feel for what's going on in the area and understand the infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructure are going to be those keys that will drive growth in the location.