Australia’s fastest selling suburbs
Some vendors have all the luck, with time on market in certain suburbs averaging fewer than 20 days.

Houses in the Sydney suburb of Acacia Gardens sell faster than anywhere else in Australia, according CoreLogic RP Data statistics for April.
Acacia Gardens houses found a buyer in an average of 15.8 days, based on 75 sales.
Overall, nine of the top 10 suburbs were based in Sydney, as were 41 of the top 50, with the remainder coming from Melbourne (five), Perth (three) and Newcastle (one).
Kings Langley in Sydney placed second on the list, with houses selling in 17.0 days, based on 134 sales.
The next three suburbs were also based in Sydney. North Turramurra houses sold in 17.8 days, based on 34 sales; Werrington houses sold in 17.9 days, based on 41 sales; and Currans Hill houses sold in 18.0 days, based on 129 houses.
The Melbourne suburb of Scoresby placed sixth, with the 82 house sales occurring in an average of 18.1 days.
All the remaining places in the top 10 list were Sydney suburbs.
Winston Hills had an average time on market of 18.3 days, based on 170 house sales.
Next came Emerton with a time on market of 18.6 days, based on 33 sales.
Sadleir placed ninth, with the 33 sales occurring in an average of 18.7 days.
The top 10 list was rounded out by Tregear, where houses sold in 18.9 days, based on 61 sales.