Changes to haul property management into 21st century
Self-managing landlords may be able to send tenant notices via email, if proposed changes to one state’s legislation are given the go-ahead.

Landlords and property managers with properties in Victoria may soon be able to send their tenants entrance notices electronically, according to the Real Estate Institute of Victoria.
The proposed changes are part of an overhaul of the Residential Tenancies Act, which is due to be revamped in the coming months.
According to the REIV, the legislation requiring a notice of entry be given to tenants by post is due to be amended to enable electronic communication.
REIV president Enzo Raimondo welcomed the move, saying it would benefit all stakeholders.
“The change is a positive one for all parties, including tenants. An email allows for a ‘read receipt’ to ensure that the notification is received.
“With a posted letter, it is far more difficult to know whether it has reached its intended destination,” he said. “The changes are long overdue and the Victorian government’s move to amend the legislation is definitely welcomed by industry.”
Mr Raimondo cited recent changes to Australia Post’s delivery times as an example of the need for a more efficient measure.
“A tenant may now wait up to a week to receive a notice in the post, which is redundant and impractical,” he said. “Timely and effective communication between tenants, property managers and landlords will go a long way towards improving these important relationships.”
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