‘Strong pipeline’ to bolster housing market
More have reacted since the federal budget was rolled out on Tuesday, 6 October, with members of Master Builders Australia the latest to come out with their thoughts.

The group has welcomed the federal Opposition’s contribution to the effort to rebuild the economy in the budget reply speech.
“A strong pipeline of building and construction work is vital to building our way out of recession, and we acknowledge the Opposition’s policy to invest in the building of new social housing and in the maintenance of current stock,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia, said.
“This is an important policy, which as the shadow minister for housing acknowledges, is the shared responsibility of Australian governments,” she said.
“We welcome the Opposition’s recognition that our industry must be supported to be at the centre of the recovery.”
Ms Wawn noted that the opposition leader “has always been one of the nation’s strongest advocates for the construction of productivity-boosting infrastructure, and we commend him for his continuing commitment to this policy”.
“The leadership the Opposition Leader has shown to ensure bipartisan support for bringing forward personal income tax cuts and measures to encourage business investment is recognised by Master Builders Australia,” Ms Wawn added.
“Master Builders looks forward to engaging with the Opposition on their economic recovery strategy.”