Top Sydney suburbs revealed
Camperdown and Avalon are the choice suburbs for home buyers, according to John McGrath.

McGrath Estate Agents chief executive John McGrath said there are still exceptional buying opportunities in many of Sydney’s key lifestyle areas.
Identifying his top five suburbs for house purchases, Mr McGrath said Avalon topped the list, followed by Camperdown, Five Dock, McMahons Point and Hunters Hill.
The best suburbs to buy a unit varied slightly, with Camperdown topping the list followed by Curl Curl, Hunters Hill, Neutral Bay and Potts Point.
Mr McGrath said rising rents would and a national housing shortage meant there were lucrative opportunities for buyers – provided they buy in the right area.
“In Sydney, demand is strongest from upgraders and investors and I’m expecting prices to continue rising over the next three years – possibly by 8 to 10 per cent in 2011, especially close to the CBD and the beaches,” he said.