The Australian Residential Property Market: A guide for players, planners and procrastinators
This comprehensive guide to Australian property is specific, but takes investors back to the basics.

Title: The Australian Residential Property Market: A guide for players, planners and procrastinators
Author: Ron Bennetts and Gavin Hegney
ISBN: 978-0-733-32297-6
Price: $24.95
Most suited to investors who: Are starting out on the property ladder
Review:This comprehensive guide to Australian property is specific, but takes investors back to the basics. Including graphs, and a comprehensive explanation of the property cycle, this delves into the financials and fundamentals in an understandable way. Covering the broader areas of strategy, this covers the essential details without getting too involved in them.
Investors with a clear sense of the market will probably find this book to be more of a refresher, however for those just starting to get curious about the market this is a perfect choice. While it covers concepts and technical details about the economy, the finance industry and tax implications, it does so in a manageable and succinct manner.