Choosing the right agent to sell your home
Choosing an agent for your home can be a daunting task, but if done properly, it can also be a very rewarding one. Determining the right agent to represent your home involves not much more than research and an awareness of the local real estate market. In saying that, doing your homework is crucial.

Blogger: Naomi Findlay, International Institute of Home Staging
The agent you select is going to be representing you and your property, so just like any other business relationship, research your agents well.
Start with knowing which agents have the most homes listed for sale in your area. You are under no obligation to pick from those that top this list, but it does give you some indication of who is selling in the area.
One of the best ways to research your agent shortlist is to attend open house inspections. These will lend you valuable insight into the types of homes that are listed under each agent, and a preview of how these agents treat these homes and potential buyers. Both observe and interact with the agent while taking note of the following:
• The way the agent communicates and interacts with the potential buyers: Did their approach and style of communication match that of someone you would like to represent you and your home?
• Their behavior at the inspection: Were they personable as they stood by the door and welcomed people in? Did they proactively identify and highlight the features of the property for sale? Were they able to answer all your questions about the property? Did they seem genuinely interested, or distracted and aloof?
• Their interest in potential buyers after the inspection: Did they follow up with you, offering more information about the property? Is this something you would like your agent to do?
• Their punctuality: Were they on time to the open home and following appointments?
• Their marketing and advertising approach: Assess the ways that the property has been portrayed – their strategy in highlighting particular features of the home, photographs, word of mouth, etc.
Questions are invaluable in the property game, and even more so when choosing an agent for your home. The right agent will not only make sure you get the best bang for your buck, but will strive to make this new business relationship as smooth as possible.
About Naomi FindlayAbout Naomi Findlay, founder of IIHS and SILK Home Staging & Styling:
Naomi Findlay started her successful home staging business, SILK Home Staging & Styling, three years ago and is now also the founder of the International Institute of Home Staging (IIHS). IIHS combines her experience in running her own successful home staging business with her awarded expertise in tertiary education.
Naomi has received teaching awards from the University of Newcastle and the Australian College of Education and been nominated for a national award with the Australian Teaching and Learning Council. She is also the author of a bestselling book, Ignite Your Property Mojo, in addition to being a regular columnist for