The 30 Minute Reno: The right type of tile for your reno
When considering flooring options for homes and rental properties many people don’t consider tiling an option purely because they think it is going to be too expensive.

Blogger: Paul Eslick, Justin Eslick & Geoff Doidge, The Reno Kings
Timeless, clean, classic – and clever
Tiled areas are a largely timeless and classic (if applied carefully), hard-wearing surface that is easy to keep clean, easy to repair if needed (and forethought has been given to this likely eventuality), cool in summer, easy to make cosy in winter with rugs and relatively easy to refurbish with a grout clean or grout replacement after many years of service… to survive for many more long years of wear and tear. In neutral colours, tiles will suit any furniture choice and are unlikely to offend even the most particular of tenants.
Coupled with the fact that it is open for consideration by the DIYer, tiling can be a very cost effective option, particularly if you look over the long term. After the first lot of tenants, even a brand new carpet will be starting to look the worse for wear, and in the very least in need of an expensive shampoo – especially if pets have been inside the house.
True there are many floor and wall tiles on the market that vary in prices, sizes and detail. But if you were armed with the knowledge of what to buy to create the perfect effect for your property at a price that’s very affordable, then why wouldn’t you consider it?
Spoilt for choice
The choice of tile colours and styles is endless. Some of them are absolutely stunning (some have a price tag to match!) but leave the outstanding and spectacular for the designers and style magazines. They do NOT belong in an investment property.
Using plain colours and patterns is always the most practical choice for rental properties, simply because it won’t go out of fashion. Following current trends, however nice they may be, will date quickly which could in turn affect your tenant turnaround should your property become vacant – a couple of years down the track that red splashback might be about as appealing as the orange and brown tiles of the 70s. People like up to date looking bathrooms and kitchens so plain is definitely the way to go. Bigger, brighter, better is achieved by classic white tiles.
If you do opt for a patterned tile then a larger pattern will always create the look of more space as it tends to open up the area. Small tiles will create more work, more grouting and will also give the appearance of the area being smaller than it actually is. In addition, more grout becomes more grubby grout and more work to clean it when that time can’t be avoided any longer.
Wall tiles belong on walls and floor tiles belong on floors....right?
Wrong!! Floor tiles can also be used on the walls – why on earth not? And then you only need to buy one type of tile and you can keep a spare box or two for repairs in the future. In fact, a 200x200mm white floor tile placed on bathroom walls will create a fresh, clean and spacious look. However beware of the colour grout you use. White grouting should always be used on walls and grey on floors as it won’t discolour as easily from the heavy traffic floors are subject to.
Only bite off as much as you can chew
If you’re intending to tile large areas, it would be wise to space the work out rather than trying to have it completed in one day. Tiling requires planning, patience and some amount of precision – particularly over larger areas. In fact, tiling is a little like painting. It seems like you prepare for days and then once you get going – viola! The job is done quickly!
Simple cuts can be achieved using a tile cutter and if you are attempting angle cutting you will need to use a cutting wheel and grinder. All of this equipment is often available for hire from a tiling retailer, equipment hire business or hardware store. Many tile retailers will also cut your tiles to your requirements for a small fee. Get enough advice before you start so that you know what you’re doing ahead of time and ensure that you read instructions carefully and thoroughly regarding tile adhesives and grouting prior to application. To state the obvious, practice on small areas first!
Safety first
Always take safety precautions – ceramic tiles, tile dust, adhesive and grout are pretty harsh on skin so follow the directions on the packaging for handling. Knees and backs do some hard work, so take regular breaks, practice safe lifting & bending techniques and keep hydrated. Eyes are not replaceable yet, so aways wear safety eye protection when dealing with tiles.
About The Reno Kings“From over 70yrs combined experience & $40million in property holdings, Reno Kings Paul Eslick, Justin Eslick & Geoff Doidge show you how to make money in property."
The Reno Kings have been successful in property for over 35 years – and it hasn’t been by taking risks! And for 12 years now they’ve been showing people from all over Australia how to buy exceptional property deals, cleverly add tremendous value to residential properties through cosmetic renovation and development and to safely and successfully create wealth by building a property portfolio.
Justin has been teaching alongside Geoff and Paul for the past 5 years and his town planning and professional buying skills are so very powerful that they won’t touch a property without Justin first giving it the ‘go-ahead’. Others have come and gone, but the Reno Kings have always been there, powering along, using their safe and secure formulas to build up $40million worth of property. Thriving – not just surviving – through 35 odd years of property cycles proves that what they’re doing is right! And that’s why they get so many questions from property investors and why the media always go to them for help on property and renovation stories. The Reno Kings are the trusted name in property education.