The 30 Minute Reno: What a difference a garage door makes
Are you looking to add value to your property without spending a fortune? In most cases, except perhaps for painting, renovation projects where there are visible positive results will put a huge dint in your budget. A visual improvement you could consider investing in is a new garage door.

Blogger: Paul Eslick, Justin Eslick & Geoff Doidge, The Reno Kings
If your existing garage door is facing the front of your property and takes up a reasonably large proportion of the visible area of the house, a new door will dramatically improve street appeal, and it may not cost as much as you think.
Remodelling magazine out of the US (Google it!) published the “Cost vs. Value Report” earlier this year in Jan 2013. In the report the simple inclusion of a new garage door ranked in the top three “cost recouped” improvements on a list of 35 common home remodelling projects.
There are additional modifications that can be done with similar effects to the look of your property such as adding a deck, a verandah, or a new driveway, but these improvements are often much more expensive. Even rendering can become quite costly depending upon the area you are looking to cover.
Realistically for the cost of around $AUD2000-$3000, depending upon how up-market you choose to go, few other exterior home projects transforms such a large space as affordable and quickly as replacing a beaten up an outdated garage door – or where there’s no garage door at all. It makes lots of sense.
According to research surveys done in the US, a new garage door can pay for itself, and more. In the survey done by real estate agents were shown before and after photos of houses that had new upscaled garage doors. Listing prices were increased anywhere from 1 to 4 percent. What this means is potentially a garage door costing approximately $US2,000 could increase the sale value by as much as $US8,000 for a $US200,000 home. These are US figures, but why would the result be significantly different here in Australia? Street appeal is curb appeal is street appeal, whatever side of the world you are on!
There are many styles of modern garage doors with the newer models featuring appealing designs, fantastic colours and great finishes. There are also many quality window options that can be chosen to complement your property style.
If you want to acquire a taste of the latest innovations in garage doors, you would do well to visit the Australian Garage Door Association website for some inspiring shots of modern types of garage doors. Do keep in mind, however, for a property that is an investment you’re looking for $3-$5 return for every $1 spent, so do your numbers very carefully. If the house needs lots of work done in other areas as well (as a horrible old garage door) you may not be able to fit a new garage door in the budget, and may have to opt for a neaten up with a paint-job instead.
Proceed with caution though. Do not try installing a garage door yourself. The Australian Garage Door Association firmly believes that the installation of a garage door is not a do-it-yourself job. “A garage door is the largest moving object in your home and because of the large number of small parts; its installation is highly technical. Connecting the springs can be particularly dangerous and proper installation is critical to the performance of your door. One of the other services a Professional Garage Door Technician can provide is the disposal of your old door, if you are replacing a door. Professional Garage Door Technicians can typically install a door in a few hours and are careful to make sure safety requirements are met. Installations by most homeowners typically span several days and cause much frustration. In addition, incorrect installation can void certain warranties.”
About The Reno Kings“From over 70yrs combined experience & $40million in property holdings, Reno Kings Paul Eslick, Justin Eslick & Geoff Doidge show you how to make money in property."
The Reno Kings have been successful in property for over 35 years – and it hasn’t been by taking risks! And for 12 years now they’ve been showing people from all over Australia how to buy exceptional property deals, cleverly add tremendous value to residential properties through cosmetic renovation and development and to safely and successfully create wealth by building a property portfolio.
Justin has been teaching alongside Geoff and Paul for the past 5 years and his town planning and professional buying skills are so very powerful that they won’t touch a property without Justin first giving it the ‘go-ahead’. Others have come and gone, but the Reno Kings have always been there, powering along, using their safe and secure formulas to build up $40million worth of property. Thriving – not just surviving – through 35 odd years of property cycles proves that what they’re doing is right! And that’s why they get so many questions from property investors and why the media always go to them for help on property and renovation stories. The Reno Kings are the trusted name in property education.