Unit owners and tenants warned about Australia Day festivities
Investors have been cautioned that bodies corporate will be cracking down on tenants breaking by-laws over the Australia Day long weekend.

Achers Body Corporate Management said that following a spate of complaints over the ‘silly season’, bodies corporate would be less tolerant of disrespectful tenants. Director Andrew Staehr said owners and tenants alike need to be prepared before using their unit as a party venue.
“Emergency actions are not something people generally think about when planning a party, but it’s crucial to be prepared in case something does go wrong," he said.
“Remember to double check the smoke detectors in your building and ensure any guests are aware of exits and evacuation plans in the complex.
“Ensure guests do not lean over or against balustrades and no rubbish is thrown over the balcony.”
Mr Staehr said unit owners needed to communicate with their body corporate and be aware of the common by-laws, house rules and complaint procedures.