Good tenants feel underappreciated
Would you prefer stable, reliable tenants over a higher rental income? Most landlords would say ‘yes’, but it seems top tenants aren't feeling the love.

Australian landlords overwhelmingly prefer good tenants to higher rents, according to a presentation to investors by, but renters, it would seem, don’t think it makes a difference.
Referring to renters as “an important group without an advocate”,’s presentation cited survey data that showed 57 per cent of renters believe renting is still not well accepted and a staggering 95 per cent believe good tenancy is not rewarded.
The presentation quoted an anonymous renter who said, “Why can’t people who rent be shown the same dignity as people who are viewing a home that’s for sale? I guess that’s society though, but it isn’t right.”
In addition, 83 per cent of renters feel they do not have a voice or advocate in politics, despite issues affecting them, such as negative gearing, being on the agenda.
Worth noting for investors as well is the fact that 67 per cent of renters cited a lack of information on properties, suburbs and landlords as one of the “top pain points”.