Queensland landlords playing Russian roulette with inadequate fire alarm usage
Research by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service has revealed that 15 per cent of Queensland households are without operational smoke alarms, causing one expert to claim that this is putting many at risk.

The research shows that 15 per cent of Queensland households do not have working smoke alarms overall. This figure is larger in Far Northern Queensland, at 21 per cent, and in Central Queensland, 18 per cent. The number is also considerable in Brisbane, at 13 per cent.
Also revealed in the research was the larger a property, the more likely it would have smoke alarms, as 46 per cent of properties with three or more storeys had smoke alarms on each storey, 16 per cent for two-storey houses and only 3 per cent for one-storey houses.
Only 20 per cent of Queensland residential properties have smoke alarms installed in main bedrooms, despite new legislation being implemented requiring Queensland rental properties to have interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms in every bedroom by 1 January 2022.
In addition, younger property owners aged 18 to 24 are likely to have not tested their smoke alarms over the last year.
Cameron Davis, Smoke Alarm Solutions CEO, said the research shows the necessity of ensuring all your fire alarms are in working order.
“Working smoke alarms should be in every home, but 15 per cent of Queenslanders are playing Russian roulette with their safety and the lives of their family and friends,” Mr Davis said.
“Nobody thinks it’ll happen to them, but 160 Queensland families will be the victim of a house fire this month.
“Families and landlords have a responsibility to ensure their properties are safe. There is no better investment than an up-to-date and working smoke alarm.”