Why you should never invest alone
Promoted by St Dane Property Solutions.
The decision to invest in property is a smart one, but there are myriad considerations and every one of them can have an impact on the success of your investment.

How do I find the best property for me? Which location will provide the best rental return? How do I maximise negative gearing and tax benefits? The questions go on and on and there is no way, when you are working alone, to be confident that you are making the right decision for your circumstances.
Property investment experts offer decades of industry knowledge to take you through the buying process. Like mortgage brokers, property investment experts will usually get a commission from any eventual sale, meaning it’s often a little-to-no-cost service for you.An independent property investment expert with connections and partnerships with developers, financial institutions and property managers can be worth their weight in gold – and with nothing to lose, you’d be silly not to see if they can help you.
An experienced expert can work alongside you across all facets of the buying process. He or she should be able to advise you on various aspects of your finances, such as whether you would benefit from debt consolidation or using the equity in your family home. For a more comprehensive analysis, some property investment experts will put you in touch with a qualified financial advisor – some may even cover the cost of this for you.
Your initial consultation should include an analysis of your financial situation as it is, and your goals for the future. It should determine whether to focus on mortgage minimisation, debt consolidation, tax incentives and/or wealth creation – this in turn will inform your property investment strategy.
When you feel market-ready, you will be presented with a selection of investment properties that suit your requirements and your budget. This presentation should also include a property investment analysis that shows cash flow, income, outgoings, potential growth and a tax minimisation strategy.
In the right hands, it’s likely you will also benefit from the investment company’s partnerships with various mortgage lenders, ensuring you end up with the most competitive interest rate for your loan.
Some property professionals have a strong relationship with tier 1 developers. This can greatly benefit you because you will then have pre-market access to exceptional apartments, townhouses and house-and-land packages on sites chosen for long-term growth potential and rental suitability.
One criticism that is often made of brokers and property investment experts is that they don’t offer any post-purchase support. However, there are exceptions – St Dane Property Solutions works closely with investors after they have purchased and will set you up with trusted property managers and owners’ corporations.
If you want an expert in your corner, book a free consultation with St Dane. They can help you buy the right property, at the right price, at the right time: https://stdaneproperty.com.au