Greater Perth sales pick up speed
New research has shown that weekly sales transactions in Perth have reached over 1,000 for the first time since June 2013.

According to the REIWA, over 1,000 sales transactions have occurred in greater Perth for the week ending 21 June 2020. This, it noted, is almost double the 52-week average of 539 sales per week and is the highest level of activity seen since June 2013.
“Last week’s sales comprised of 613 dwellings, which is 57 per cent more than the 52-week average and 412 vacant land sales, almost five times more than the 52-week average,” REIWA president Damian Collins said.
“Land sales were the standout for the week, which saw the highest level data has seen since August 2009 and can be attributed to the various government home building schemes announced earlier this month.
“The schemes have certainly helped people who were undecided about a house-and-land package make their decision quicker, and we will likely see vacant land transactions remain at higher than normal levels until the end of the year when the scheme concludes.
“It is expected the scheme will help more people get into their homes quicker, but it’s also important to acknowledge that home sellers who built in outer suburbs in recent years not only suffered during the downturn, but will now find themselves potentially another $45,000 disadvantage,” Mr Collins said.
Top 5 suburbs for land sales
1. Madora Bay
2. Baldivis
3. Maddington
4. Wellard
5. Hamond Park
Mr Collins said the stats prove the Perth metro market is starting to pick back up, a trend likely to continue.
“While things are looking positive for the property market, we hope that the recent market activity will not only lead to the recovery we have been waiting for, but also continue post the government schemes, which end on the 31 December 2020,” he concluded.