THE PROPERTY NERDS: Unpacking the media-market cycle

Does the market determine the news or can news impact the market?

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In this episode of The Property Nerds, Junge Ma, senior research analyst at InvestorKit, is joined by Dr Sunny Nguyen, who most recently served as an economist and analyst at the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and has now joined Moody’s analytics as assistant director for APAC.

The duo delve into the world of data, with Sunny explaining methods that she used at the RBA to quantify factors previously thought unquantifiable. She unpacks how economists can measure things such as popular sentiment towards housing by analysing the language used in media reports.

Sunny and Junge also talk about how the stories in the news can impact consumers’ decisions, and discuss the way that such data can be used to inform forecasts of likely behavioural shifts among buyers and sellers.

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