NSW government launches ‘Rental Taskforce’
The NSW government explained that the new taskforce will “hold landlords and real estate agents to account”.
NSW Fair Trading has launched its Rental Taskforce, targeting solicited rent bidding, stopping no grounds evictions, and ensuring improved responses to repairs and maintenance.
It’s expected to use inspections, audits and “blitzes” to achieve these objectives, having been established following an $8.4 million investment from the NSW government.
It will be led by a newly appointed Rental Taskforce manager, who will report to the NSW Rental Commissioner, Trina Jones.
Minister for Better Regulation and Fair Trading, Anoulack Chanthivong, said that the taskforce will target estate agents and landlords who “make life tougher for renters”.
“Our inspectors will be out in full force to ensure real estate agents and landlords are complying with new and existing rental laws to ease the stress placed on renters by things like no grounds evictions and rent bidding,” Chanthivong said.
“While the majority of agents and landlords are doing the right thing, this $8.4 million investment targets bad actors who make life tougher for renters.
“With these resources, NSW renters can be assured we’re working hard on a fairer rental market for tenants.”
Jones said that the taskforce will give confidence to renters.
“The Rental Taskforce is here to protect the rights of renters and hold bad actors to account,” Jones remarked.
“It’s critical to provide renters and property providers with assurance that bad actors will not be permitted to cause harm in the market.
“The Rental Taskforce is a dedicated and skilled team made up of new and existing roles focused on preventing and responding to breaches of rental laws.
“This will support a fair and safe marketplace for rented homes in NSW and contribute to improved confidence in the rental market.”
The team will be multidisciplinary and will draw from resources across NSW Fair Trading.