Renters demand more for their money
Australian renters are calling on landlords for more flexibility and bang for their buck as the cost of renting residential property soars.

According to a survey by, renters are urging landlords to ease restrictions such as the banning of pets, the inability to hang paintings or pictures on walls and the ability to make changes to yards and gardens.
An overwhelming 85.4 per cent of respondents stated they wanted more information on how to personalise a rental property at their own cost without the involvement of a landlord or an agent.
In addition, 64.7 per cent of tenants who had recently received a rental increase felt it to be unjust, claiming landlords had made very few improvements to their properties. chief executive Mark Woschnak said landlords should take note of the high number of tenants fed up with the restrictions and the growing costs of weekly rental fees.
“Our recent survey highlights the desire by tenants to have some aspects of the contractual rental agreements relaxed, so they can make a longer term home,” he said.
“Having a good, long term tenant will provide many benefits to landlords and ensure an investment with a sound, reliable return.”