Investing with Defence Housing Australia
Are you seeking a unique investment opportunity that not only benefits you but also supports the Australian Defence Force? Look no further! We invite you to an enlightening webcast that delves deep into the world of Defence Housing Australia (DHA) investments. Throughout this webcast you’ll discover how investing in DHA can be a win-win scenario for both you and the Defence Force. Our panel discussion will comprehensively cover the following key aspects:
• Overview of DHA and its investment product: Get a clear understanding of DHA's mission and the investment product they offer.
• The Impact of DHA on the Defence Force and its members: Learn how investing in DHA properties positively affects the Defence Force and its dedicated members, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.
• Defence member experience: Gain insights into the unique experiences of Defence members, including rotations, postings, and the pivotal role DHA plays in providing them with a "home away from home."
• DHA property requirements and Defence Strategic Review: Understand where DHA requires properties and how this aligns with the broader Defence capability, including expected growth following the Defence Strategic Review.
• Investing opportunities - Off-the-plan properties: Explore opportunities to invest in off-the-plan properties directly from builders with DHA lease pre-commitments.
• What DHA looks for in a property: Delve into the criteria DHA considers when selecting properties, ensuring alignment with the needs of Defence members.
• Purchasing property through a SMSF: Discover the benefits and intricacies of purchasing a property through a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).
• Next steps for investing with DHA: Receive guidance on the practical steps to initiate your investment journey with DHA.
By participating in our webcast, you will:
Gain awareness of the diverse investment opportunities available through DHA.
Understand the nuances of purchasing property through an SMSF.
Explore off-the-plan properties with guaranteed DHA lease pre-commitments.
Access invaluable insights from industry experts.
Discover how the DHA lease and property care contract may save you money during the total ownership of an investment property compared to leasing through a traditional real estate agent.
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